
Can I buy insurance for shipments from other marketplaces or private sales?

Yes! You can manually add insurance for shipments from other marketplaces or private sales with ShipSaver.
From the Shipments page, select "Add Shipment."

Once you have selected to add a shipment manually, you will see the New Shipment page.

  1. Enter the tracking number for your shipment. Tracking is a requirement and mandatory for insurance.
  2. Enter the country of destination for your shipment.
  3. Enter the Ship date
  4. Enter the item or shipment description. Please avoid the use of special characters like \ / : * " < > |, as this can result in errors attempting to complete the insurance process.
  5. Enter your marketplace invoice number. This can also be a custom number you generate for private sales.  Anything that will help you identify the sale later on.
  6. Select your preferred carrier service. Don't find the one you are looking for? Click on SHOW / HIDE SERVICES to see all available services.  Add the exact service used for your shipment.
  7. Enter the total value of the shipment. This is the price of the item(s) plus shipping and handling.
  8. Check ShipSaver's terms and conditions, click on Save & Insure.

Once your shipment is insured, you will see the umbrella icon has changed color from grey to blue.

Placing your cursor over the umbrella will show that insurance has been purchased for the shipment, and display a link to see its insurance details, as well as Claim details, should you have a claim on the shipment.



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